bloomfield township trustee

Serving our community’s needs with caring & respectful professionalism

What do townships in Indiana do?

Indiana township government

At the community, grassroots level, Indiana is served by a Township form of government which is overseen by an elected Township Trustee and Township Board. These officials live in the community which they serve, and are directly responsible to their neighbors, friends and family.

The idea of Township Government is as old as the United States- a grassroots form of government where citizen officials contribute to maintain community values and goals. The duties of the the Township Trustee are diverse, and are set by state law and community needs.

Bloomfield Township

Organized as a civil township in June 1835, Bloomfield Township is now the most populous of the 11 LaGrange County Townships, with a population of 5500. Bloomfield Township is also home to the county seat, LaGrange, which was platted in June 1836.

Located in the northeast corner of Indiana, LaGrange County is a rural community with abundant natural resources- over 60 natural lakes, a state game preserve and one of the best public parks systems in the state- and a thriving tourism industry geared around the county’s large Amish population. Public school students in Bloomfield Township are served by the Lakeland School Corporation.